Prado Ranch proposal “continued”

The proposal to amend the zoning and allow a PUD for the Prado Ranch development in Lemmon Valley has been “continued” to the next available meeting of the Reno Planning Commission on 1/16/19 at 6:00 PM.  It will be the first item on the agenda.  The decision to continue consideration of the proposal was due to the late hour of the meeting on 12/19/18.

The Prado Ranch development plan has gone through a number of  iterations.  The latest is to zone a substantial part of the property as industrial.  There is also a large portion that is to be zoned Open Space which borders Swan Lake and is mostly under water.  The property includes the intersection of Lemmon Drive and Deodar.

The proposed plan includes:

  • A total of 729 acres in 14 parcels.
  • 176 single family homes on 44 acres.
  • 529 multifamily dwellings on 32 acres.
  • 195 acres of industrial
  • 10 acres of commercial
  • 446 acres of Open Space


  • 187,500 gallons per day of wastewater generation
  • 15,000 additional vehicle trips a day
  • Consume 625 acre feet of water per year

Reno Staff recommends against this proposal.  They are unable to determine that the proposal meets the applicable statutory and code requirements.

The applicant claims that the improvements to Lemmon Drive and Lear will offset the traffic congestion.  They further claim that the retention ponds in the plan will more than offset the additional flood risk.

Concerns expressed by the public:

  • The development does not match the Master Plan and is incompatible with the character of the area.
  • North Valleys High School is already over capacity.  Plan depends on school capacity at the Stonegate school which is only on paper at this time.
  • Dangerous traffic congestion near the existing school with large trucks.
  • Poor emergency response times due to traffic congestion.
  • Ground water contamination from the retention ponds with the water table only 55′ below the surface.
  • Developer’s hydrology report is suspect.
  • Flooding of existing residents that are downstream.
  • Reno can’t afford to man another fire station even if the developer provides the station and the equipment.
  • Current flooding needs to be addressed before more development proceeds.


Detailed meeting notes: Reno Planning Commission_121918

Residents’ Presentation: PRADO RANCH MP and PUD ZM LDC16-00026 AND LDC17-00019

Developer’s Presentation: Wood-Rogers_Prado-Ranch_121918

Reno Planning Staff Presentation: Staff-Presentation_Prado-Ranch_121918



News & Actions This Week – 12/14/2018

The Prado Ranch (South)

This development plan will be reviewed by the Reno Planning Commission on Wednesday, March 19 at 6 PM at the Reno City Council Chambers at One East First Street, Reno (the dark tower).  There is free parking in the parking structure.  This is the “sister” project to the Prado Ranch North development that was unanimously denied by the Washoe County Planning Commission and approved by the Washoe Board of County Commissioners by a bare majority.  It is now undergoing judicial review.

  • It is like the Prado Ranch North project in that it is practically adjacent.  It is also sited on a property that has been partly submerged for the last two years.
  • It is unlike the Prado Ranch North project in that it will be annexed by the City of Reno so that it falls under the jurisdiction of the Reno Planning Commission rather than the Washoe County Planning Commission.

Please plan to attend if at all possible.  This is another scandalous project that will worsen the Lemmon Valley flooding for existing residents.

Regional Planning Survey

Express yourself!  The Truckee Regional Planning Authority is looking for residents to participate in a survey on how residents want to see the area develop.  While the survey is not binding on the County or the cities, it will help bolster the argument for reasonable growth in the area.  Don’t miss this opportunity to make your opinions known!  Click HERE to participate.

 TMWA Meeting        Wed 14 Dec 2018   
Bill’s public comment on Agenda Item 12  – – West Reno Water System [Verdi area]
The viability of the proposed Meridian 120 South development of over 3,000 units seems to depend on TMWA water service.
Meridian 120 North, 278 units, was approved, in violation of the Reno Municipal Code, without a reliable water supply.  Now, Meridian 120 South is seeking approval for over 3,000 units based on the approval of Meridian 120 North.
I urge this board to clearly state when TMWA will be ready to service Meridian 120 South, and whether absorbing West Reno Water will be necessary to service Meridian 120 South.



WashoeCAN Meeting Notes 12/11/18

The new Washoe Citizens Action Network held it’s first meeting last night.  It was attended by about 60 area activists who seemed well informed about many aspects of the City and County issues.

Brandon Camp introduced the new organization and the vision he has for moving forward.  He is hoping to involve residents from all over the county to fight the destructive development.  The group might turn its attention to other issues over time.

Bill Johnson (Commissioner candidate) asserted that the Truckee Meadows was being offered as a fire sale to developers.  He favors responsible development, but not the recent development.  He mocked developers who claim they will offer “open space”.

Tammy Holt-Still (Lemmon Valley/Swan Lake Recovery Committee) made the point that the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Authority has the responsibility to oppose much of the problematic development.  She has met with Mayor Schieve and Councilwoman Duerr to describe the inadequacies of flood insurance as applicable to the Daybreak Development.

Jeanne Herman (County Commissioner) wants to see the return of the Citizens Advisory Boards broader role and extensive coverage.  This is the citizen’s voice.  She says the developers are running the government.  She wants to see the area plans updated.

Carly Borchard (Verdi Community Council) discussed her community’s efforts fighting the big West Meadows development, and how the plan was reduced from 600 homes to 300 homes due to citizen involvement.

Steve Wolgast (Commissioner candidate) described his experience with the county regarding a development and how this inspired him to help found the WRAP group.  It further inspired him to run for county commissioner against Bob Lucey.

Mike Lawson (Planning Commissioner) could not be present, so Steve presented his principal concerns.  The first is the use of misleading engineering reports paid for by the developers and treated as authoritative by the county planners and county commissioners.  These are consistently biased to support the developer’s plans.  The second is the existence of “zombie” projects.  These are projects that were approved, but never built.  These have received special extensions by the county.  If they hadn’t, the approvals would have expired long ago.  No one knows the fate of these projects.  There are developments totaling 68,000 dwelling units in this category when only 42,000 are expected to be needed by 2038.  This is a big issue that tilts any planning effort.

The audience contributed during a Q & A session.

  • They want plans and calls to action,  not just discussion.
  • The county isn’t following proper procedures and endangering federal funding.
  • The county is vulnerable due to violations of the Open Meeting Law.

Brandon closed the meeting with an emphasis on working together across the county and across political and other differences.  He plans to call another public meeting in January.

See more detailed notes here: WashoeCAN_Meeting-Notes_121118

Reminder: WashoeCAN Tonight

The new Washoe Citizens Action Network will have its first meeting tonight at the Masonic Lodge in Sparks (2425 Pyramid Way) at 6:00 PM.  See previous blog post with more details.  Unfortunately, Mike Lawson will not be able to present, but Steve Wolgast will cover his material.  The presentation will likely last about an hour with time for questions and comments from attendees.

Mt. Rose Highway Report and Plan


Representatives of NDOT, NHP, and Washoe County presented to neighbors last night at the South Valleys Library.  Commissioner Lucey opened the meeting making the observation that development in the area had impacted safety on Mt. Rose Hwy.  Thor Dyson (NDOT executive) introduced the consulting firm (Kimley Horn) that did the study in July.  The efforts included a Road Safety Audit, a Speed Study, and an Intersection Control Evaluation for the section of Mt. Rose Hwy. from Bordeaux to Wedge Pkwy.

Here are the main conclusions.

  • No traffic signal is warranted at Callahan or at Edmonton based on nationally accepted criteria.
  • The best solution at Callahan would be a traffic circle, but this would be too expensive to build.
  • NDOT will move forward with a number of modifications to intersections changing the lane striping, adding acceleration lanes, adding deceleration lanes, adding islands, and other features.
  • The best solution for Edmonton would be to add an extension to Butch Cassidy to connect to the vacant leg of the Thomas Creek intersection but, this would be expensive and involves a couple of private properties. Acceleration and deceleration lanes will be added.

Rob Stepien (head of NHP for northern NV) said that they have been writing a lot of speeding tickets.  Traffic cameras may not be used for speed-limit enforcement per state law.

Dwayne Smith spoke about the County’s part in addressing the traffic problems.  He was facing an audience who is suffering with the terrible congestion in the Rolling Hills neighborhood.  He was unable to answer a series of pointed questions.  Here’s a sample.

  • How did Colina Rosa and Doral Academy get approved?
  • How could you not see this was coming?
  • How much more growth can the Mt. Rose Corridor handle given the current problems?
  • What limitations to Ascente will you apply given the problems on the corridor?

Residents implored him to come to Butch Cassidy on a weekday to see the problems for himself.  His assertion that “it’s just reality” was not accepted by the audience.  His assertion that the Thomas Creek connection should be made after Ascente Phase-II development completes a road is ludicrous.  As an aside, Commissioner Lucey said he’d been told that his presence would detract from the “conversation” and left after the introductions.

Mount Rose Highway Safety Meeting_120518A

Choice Wednesday

Experts say that making choices is stressful.  This coming week we’ve got two important meetings that overlap.

Mount Rose Highway Safety Meeting, Wednesday 12/5, 6-7PM, South Valleys Library.

This is the follow-on meeting from the one in May following a fatal accident on 431 at Callahan.  Since then, there has been another fatal accident on 431 near Thomas Creek intersection.  An NDOT representative will discuss what they have found with their traffic monitors and what changes they suggest.

TMRPA Meeting, Wednesday 12/5, 5:30-7:30 PM, Reno Discovery Museum, Collaboratory Room, 490 S. Center St.

This is a meeting including Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Authority and “Truckee Meadows Tomorrow”.  This is billed as a “community conversation” that seeks residents’ input on several new plans being considered.  This is probably a good chance to see where things are headed and to get in your opinions.

  Take your pick, but make yourself heard if you have the chance to get out on Wednesday evening.