Your community committee

Hello Galena neighbors! Its great to see that so many of you have signed up for updates. It just so happens I have one for you now. The committee of community residents has been assembled and we have had our first meeting to discuss our plans. I’m excited to be working with such a smart and dedicated group. We have everything from developers and engineers, to an ex general manager of Sun Valley Water and Sanitation District and former board member of the Washoe County Water Planning committee. We’re even set up with our own printing company and an Emmy winning journalist. Its like somebody hand picked the perfect team. We are very lucky to live in an area rich with such knowledge and power!

We have compiled a list of concerns and questions from all of you and have reached out to the developer to request a one on one meeting. I will keep you all posted if anything comes from that. Thank you everyone for your interest in keeping our area awesome! Hope you had a good weekend.

A Good Start

Thank you all for such a great turn out at our first community meeting! We had a lot of great information shared and had informative presentations from the WCSD and TMWA. I know we still have a lot of questions, and not everything has been answered, but its all a process. So here’s what’s next…

First and foremost, sign up to receive updates from this site by submitting your email address on the homepage (I promise I got nothin to sell, will limit the posts, and its all over when this whole deal with Ascente is over).

Also, please please please, if you have concerns or comments that have not been addressed, or find inaccuracies on the site, use the contact page. I need all the information gatherers I can get!

There are updates coming for the website to reflect the meeting, but I’ll be out of town for the weekend, so it will be delayed. This is why signing up for the email list will be helpful, you’ll get an email when there are any updates or changes.


We are formulating a committee of residents to organize all the information we have put together, and formulate a set of well researched questions to take to a meeting with the county planning office, and eventually the developers at their next planned meeting. With the names I have so far, it looks like our committee will be filled with smart, talented and passionate community members. If you want to join the ranks, please use the contact page to send me your name and how you can add to the Galena brain trust.

Thank you all again, and have a wonderful weekend!

1st Community Meeting!

Hello neighbors. We have scheduled our first community meeting to discuss this development project for July 21st at the Ted Hunsberger Elementary School multi-purpose room at 5:30pm.

The purpose of this meeting will be to collect and centralize all of our knowledge about the project and our concerns. We need to separate facts from speculation and develop a unified front going into the second community meeting held by the developers on July 28th.

I am hoping to have representatives from the WCSD, TMWA and Washoe County Planning department attend this meeting. Both WCSD and TMWA have expressed interest, but their ability to attend is tentative at the moment.

Please check back for more updates. Thank you!